Xinput1_3-dll: Free Download for windows 32 and 64

Xinput1_3-dll 64 bit download

what is xinput1_3.dll in window

The xinput1_3.dll file is part of Microsoft DirectX, a collection of APIs crucial for handling multimedia tasks, particularly gaming and graphics on Windows systems. This file is specifically tied to the XInput API, used for interacting with Xbox controllers and other input devices. Errors related to xinput1_3.dll typically occur when the file is missing, corrupted, or incompatible, resulting in messages like “xinput1_3.dll is missing” or “xinput1_3.dll not found.”The xinput1_3.dll file is part of Microsoft DirectX, a collection of APIs crucial for handling multimedia tasks, particularly gaming and graphics on Windows systems. This file is specifically tied to the XInput API, used for interacting with Xbox controllers and other input devices. Errors related to xinput1_3.dll typically occur when the file is missing, corrupted, or incompatible, resulting in messages like “xinput1_3.dll is missing” or “xinput1_3.dll not found.”

Fixing this issue doesn’t have to be complicated. Below are simple steps to resolve the problem effectively:

xinput1_3.dll : Download


by Microsoft Corporation

for  Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®

Microsoft Common  Controller API

Version: 9.29

Product Version: 9.29.1962.0

Language: 1033 (U.S. English)

Size 52.4KB

SHA1 5e323e29d624824ad291ed9e1c5c4c3fc08b84cf

MD5 422c91a7db21cc34f1be326f8ab2aa5e

xinput1_3.dll error Screenshot in windows

xinput1_3.dll error Screenshot in windows

Possible error messages regarding this file:
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xinput1_3.dll : Free Download for windows

download (0xc000007b).dll

Recommended Solution to Fix Dll Error

Download xinput1_3.dll and copy it to the application or game installation folder, or copy it to the Windows system folder, and it should fix the error. 

If you are not familiar with how to install DLL files, please check out the instructions below.

Also read: Fix error 0xc00007b in windows 10 or 11 | Application was unable to start correctly

How to install (xinput1_3).dll in windows 10 or 11

The application folder is often the first place where software loads .DLL files. If it cannot find the .DLL file here, it will automatically check the Windows system folders.

  1. Place the .DLL file in the same folder where the application .exe file is located.
  2. DLL installation has been completed.
  3. And restart your computer if necessary

Not sure which application is having problems?

Try installing the .DLL file directly to Windows. (See below)

Installing (xinput1_3).dll directly to Windows.

  1. Copy the .DLL file to your C:\Windows\System32\ folder. (32 bit)
  2. Copy the .DLL file to your C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder. (64 bit)
  3. DLL installation has been completed!

How to Fix DLL Errors:

To fix .dll errors, you can try these common solutions. While some errors might need more detailed fixes, these initial steps often solve the most common problems.

  • Re-install the application that requires xinput1_3.dll to restore missing .dll files and fix dll errors.
  • Download and install a new copy of xinput1_3.dll to fix dll errors.
  • In some cases, you may need to register xinput1_3.dll in Windows.
  • View our guides to troubleshoot and fix common .dll errors.

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